WET SAND by Elba

WET SAND by Elba

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

The business of blogging

Citizens have come stomping in the network society. Gone are the days when only a few could give their opinion. Some countries are still threatened by his public writings, but those who do not suffer these restrictions have been doing an increasingly deeper hole in the informative coverage.
Making a study of the most relevant news in the papers we quickly realise that politics is the star and that through them we assemble our ideology since we are small, with what we absorb from the various gatekeepers. According to a list that Technorati makes of the 10 most important blogs in the world, 9 of them they are about politics and new technologies. What happens now that we can capture this influence even from our neighbor´s blog? Do they increase the points of view? Bloggers usually reflect the truth or just inform in a more simple and casual way so that readers feel closer to them, follow them and respect them reaching more than a diary with a long history. Such is the boom of blogs, that them are beginning to be used by certain newspapers when citing sources, which gives them a crucial importance.
What many people do not know yet is that having a blog can become a job like any other, where they can get exorbitant profits. A clear example is the Spanish girl called Gala Gonzalez, whose blog makes her went from being a normal student to become one of the world's most influential netcelebrities in the world. His blog, since May 2008, has received almost 6 million visits and people follow her in countries such as Sweden, Norway and the United States where even featured in major fashion publications such as Teen Vogue, as well as in Spain, where she appears in Vogue ,Telva and dozens of fashion publications . Gradually she and her friends,like , with a good camera and a terrific personality, have become teen idols, without having released an album or a movie, simply because of their flashy outfits and fabulous life. Silenci, a catalonian tv show dedicated them a program a few years ago

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If your passion is fashion is impossible not to know them. The question is, It is worth it all that investment in fashion and accessories, to become that famous and relevant?
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With them is showing that in countries like ours, Spain, the society has ceased to conform and believe everything that comes from above, we seek our own reality without fear. The times of censorship ended long ago for them.

sábado, 17 de abril de 2010

Interest in the development of the digital divide

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Pictures taken from http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2008/03/03/1204402367663.html and http://www.itu.int/wsis/tunis/newsroom/stats/

Had you ever heard about digital divide? Maybe not, but it is certain that in the world there is a major socio-economic difference between communities that have good internet access and those without. The differences are between the north and south, rich and poor, men and women etc. Having trouble in the access of technologies, there will be an imbalance in the freedom and rights of individual human beings.
The most affected are as always the poor countries where the Internet is a high cost and where government policies may prevent their citizens from visiting malicious sites to the national interest, control access to foreign sites and what their citizens publish , thus isolating the network.
The main stakeholders in the digital divide to subsist are companies, afraid that their workers are aware of the poor working conditions they suffer, because it is clear that information is power and the control of societies makes them much more dependent on powerful. Certain religions may also be against in the access to scientific articles, network libraries, as well as other tools that make them lose faithful.

Some people do not get along with progress having business interests in all of this .With these activities they only managed to undermine the public interest for us humans, being manipulated. Internet is the perfect place to discuss and the more we are, the more conclusions and positions we can get, it would also enrich the knowledge with the contrast of cultures, ages, education. With a decent internet access and a good knowledge of this, the poor countries will be allowed to develop, and also help them to manage its resources well.
I disagree with people who claim that this problem was halted in 2005 with computers and Internet access worldwide, because we still have to deal with the fact that many people could not even eat , so that they are not thinking about ICT.
Finally I will left some questions in the air :
1. If you live in a world so global in which we mimicked little by little, why it is not the same in the case of ICT?
2. Will we stop this problem or it will continue to rise?
3. Will the ONU relate the issue of ICT to achieving the millennium goals?

Internet : Who should manage the giant.

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Pictures taken from http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-270/sn-270-151b.htm and http://www.nro.net/governance/index2.html

Like all Internet began in an experimental mode, but as it grew was born the need for control by someone or something. This was the main topic in the World Summit on Information Society, WSIS (2003)).With these need it also arose the concept of Internet governance which is “the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Internet”.

The objective of this governance is to achieve a sustainable economic , social and institutional development, promoting a healthy balance between government, civil society and market economy.

The definition was not always as above; At first they wanted it to be describe as a mechanism for management of the network without boundaries, without direct government participation, known as "governance without government". All government was rejected. Everything worked to perfection according to the followers of this system

But there comes a time when the action of the providers and Internet users was not enough. With twentieth-century technological innovations like the telegraph or radio broadcasts government regulation became more than necessary

Immediately appeared people against this who feared that governments restrict the rights and freedoms of individuals-in particular the right to freedom of expression and the right to privacy "and introduce expensive procedures and long-term, lowering the speed of innovation in developing new services and Internet applications.

Internet is a very controversial topic and a place without borders where it is necessary that we should walk very carefully, and that just make a click can change the course of history

From all this emerges a huge debate: should we completely remove the governments of Internet governance? or else should we let them engage in a symbolic way to have a strong power in the network?

Here I upload a very interesting video of the evolution of Internet Governance